September 8, 2024, 8:41 am

Diplomatic correspondent

2023-03-22 04:57:26 BdST

Russia may launch direct flights to 11 countries including Bangladesh

Russia may launch direct flights to eleven countries including Myanmar, Malaysia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

This is according to a telegram the Federal Air Transport Agency sent to the heads of Russian airliners, reports Russian news agency TASS.

"To the airline’s executives, I ask you to submit proposals for the development of air transportation with the following countries to the Department of Transportation Regulation and International Cooperation at the Federal Air Transport Agency by 05:00 pm on March 22, opening direct flights from Russia to Myanmar, Malaysia, South Africa, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia," the telegram says.

The document also notes that the Federal Air Transport Agency is collecting proposals to increase air travel from Russian cities to cities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Egypt, Cuba and Turkmenistan.

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