On Tuesday night (3rd September), nearly 400 people who took shelter in Abdul Karim High School at Dagonbhuiyan Upazila received the most desired hot meals from Coast Foundation... details
HCA has also given space to everybody who want to speak, he has not tr...
COAST is supporting two local NGOs (OPCA and PRAN) from Noakhali to en...
COAST Assistant Director and Regional Team Leader Jahangir Alam handed...
Hafezzi Charitable Society of Bangladesh was going around from hospita...
The embezzled amount is equivalent to 12 percent of Bangladesh's natio...
Leaders of various social organizations of Charfashion Upazila congrat...
COAST provided Tk 5,000 to each dead fishermen’s family, a total of Tk...
Developing this sector requires increased research and collaboration b...
The yearly income tax evasion is nearly $25 billion which could increa...
COAST Foundation has conducted distribution activities in three unions...
PRI-MCCI meet suggests a to-do list
He said this while attending a press conference jointly organised by T...