Dhaka February 9, 2025, 2:53 pm
Special loan rescheduling policy backfires as default loans increase by another Tk3,863 crore in last quarter
Tenure extension of mutual funds without the opinion of majority unit holders drove the firm to sue the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Goods-carrying vessels have to pay between Tk30,000 and Tk50,000 to extortionists on all domestic water routes
A series of studies have been completed and training materials developed to boost the safety and environmental standards in the country's ship recycling industry
The revenue authority are likely to lower the source tax on exports effective from July 1
Currently 23 percent of the total revenue and 52 percent of VAT collected in the country come from the Large Taxpayers Unit
Remittance is the driving force of our economy
Foreign exchange reserve to come under pressure
In terms of FDI net inflow, the UK stood third with US$358.85 million at the end last fiscal
“We have joined the BRI and have agreed to join the Indo-Pacific alliance if it becomes an economic alliance,”
Import of MMF like a polyester staple, viscose and Tencel is on the rise following the rising demand amid changes in the global fashion trend
The approval came from the weekly Ecnec meeting held at NEC conference room with Ecnec Chairperson and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Earlier, banks could make advance payments up to $5,000 on behalf of importers without central bank approval
Suggests putting an end to tax waiver culture
Lending could cross $1.5b by next year
Under the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea, all coastal countries are granted sovereign right to stretch of the sea extending 200 nautical miles beyond their coast, which is known as an exclusive economic
Only $599.6 million has been disbursed of the committed $7.36 billion
A move is underway to enlist chartered energy auditors for large industries and commercial structures rated to be designated consumers (DS) under a certain rule by early next year.
The discussion for bringing the 10 new ships to Bangladesh is going on with Denmark and China
IDRA issues new regulations